The Color of Time in the Cube



Do you ever have those crazy, vivid dreams that seem to reveal a hidden truth, only to fade away upon waking?

I do, and they're always a little frustrating. I might hear incredible, never-before-released music, watch mind-bending movies, or even dream of reading a revelatory passage hidden in a familiar book. Last night's dream was one of those.

The Dream Bookstore

The dream was as such : I was in bed, browsing my nightstand for something to read, when I stumbled upon a battered old paperback by Jacques Vallee. Musty and yellowed, covered in scribbles, it was titled something like "An Analysis of the Color of UFOs and Parameters Pertaining to Deity."

Intriguing, but the real mystery lay in the book's first four pages. Printed on the glossy paper common in vintage UFO books, they were covered in cryptic symbols and English letters. Vallee's hypothesis, as I recall, was:

"Transitioning from Man to God through Color."

Accompanying this was a childlike crayon drawing of a rainbow. Was it ordered ROYGBIV? I couldn't remember. But inspired, I tried recreating it with my daughter's crayons (see below).


Faded Secrets

Waking up, I desperately tried to recall the code and its connection to UFOs and a potential link to the divine or even the simulation hypothesis. Alas, the details were gone. But as I walked this morning, the dream lingered, and I knew I had to share it.

Is ROY G. BIV the Prison?

This dream sparked a question: Could the familiar color spectrum be a boundary, a limitation we could somehow transcend? Is the rainbow a veil hiding deeper truths about ourselves and the universe?

For example, is ROY G. BIV the limitation?

One could argue that that visible light is a limitation.

  • The Spectrum of Perception: ROY G. BIV represents the visible light spectrum, a narrow band within the vast electromagnetic spectrum humans can perceive. It could symbolize the limitations of our ordinary senses and how they shape our understanding of reality.

  • Gnostic Prison of the Material: This aligns with a Gnostic view of the physical world as an illusion or a lower-level reality, trapping the divine spark within humans. Our regular perception could be part of this imprisonment.


Breaking Free from ROY G. BIV

  • Expanding Perception: What if there's a broader "spectrum" of reality beyond what we normally perceive? Could dreams, meditation, or spiritual practices expand our awareness outside of ROY G. BIV?

  • Transcendence through Color: In my dream, Vallee theorizes "Transitioning from Man to God through Color." Perhaps this alludes to unlocking hidden aspects of color (infrared, ultraviolet) or using them as keys to a greater understanding of the universe and our place within it.

  • The Rainbow as an Illusion: Rainbows appear beautiful but are ephemeral and caused by optical phenomena. Could this symbolize the deceptive allure of the material world that Gnostics warned against?

Hey, it’s a thought! Let me know what you think below as the Aberrant Gnostic rabbit hole continues to expand…hopefully more dreams and Gnosis to come along on this journey. 



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