"Fifth Gospel" Revealed as Gnostic Writings
From The Indianapolis New , Saturday, March 12, 1960, as presented by the Reverend John L. McKenzie... This article summarizes some first "thoughts" regarding the book titled, The Secret Sayings of Jesus , as written by Robert M. Grant with David Noel Freedman. After reading this book, I went ahead and purchased a first edition, paperback version of this book. More to come on that later...in the meantime... What does this article mention of interest? A few points I thought worth mentioning here. The name Gnostic, from the Greek work gnosis, or knowledge, comes from a fundamental principle of this heresy: the principle of salvation was attained by knowledge rather than by virtue. This "knowledge" was prized as being secret, and as having more value than any knowledge shared in the New Testament. The author reviews Grant and Freedman's key takeaways regarding the Gospel of Thomas The book, Secret Sa yings, is described as being an excellent introduction to ...