Dreaming About Cher Lights
Ok, time for a change of pace for the Aberrant Gnostic. This one is going back into dreamland… and what a dream possibly means in terms of my subconscious processing various bits of information and attempting to create some type of dream-like symbol that is ultimately some type of output connected to whatever… the abyss, the source, the godhead, the zero, the collective unconsciousness, whatever…
With that said, what does the potential occult origin of the Starbucks logo have to do with Cher lights. And what is a Cher light anyway? And how is a Cher Light potentially related to Gnosticism? Let’s start at the beginning.
This all manifested on 11-27-2023. Things of interest, celestially. The Moon was full last night. Last night’s full Moon is known as the Beaver Moon or Frost Moon and shines near the stars of Aries and Taurus. OK, that is something worth tracking moving forward.
The basis of yesterday began with me listening to Isaac Weishaupt’s recent episode on his Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture and his episode regarding the occult significance of the Starbucks Coffee logo. I’ve heard of this type of analysis before (I want to say Christopher Knowles spoke of this some time back on some podcast). Either way, the idea is that the Starbucks logo here:
Is some type of sigil, or witchcraft symbol, or wealth materialization logo that subconsciously gets people people to spend money at Starbucks. I think that is it…either way, the podcast gets into the idea that the originators of Starbucks recalled seeing an old Norse woodcut in a Maritime book. They used this woodcut as the inspiration as the woodcut made sense for the coffee retailer being physically located near the Pacific Ocean and having maritime sensibilities. There is some argument that woodcuts didn’t exist in the times of the Norse, and that the original founders of Starbucks are throwing up some type of smoke screen to defect on the origin of the logo, yet I did find this:
That's apparently the original logo for Starbucks...and then this:
And sure, it’s potentially German, not Norse, from the 15th century. This woodcut makes sense as the prototype logo of Starbucks looks as such. Again, I’m not really attempting to solve this mystery as others are better equipped to discuss than myself…but really what it comes down to is that before bed, I was looking at this image repeatedly, on my phone, trying to determine where it came from. So that was stuck in my head before the dream happened…
Finally, here was the dream. In it, my parents gave me a "Cher Light." Somehow, Cher, the pop culture icon from Sonny and Cher fame apparently began manufacturing these artificial lights that are surrounded by a cardboard box. Think of them as a cardboard rectangle, with a cardboard handle on top, and a square opening on one side of the box that lets an artificial light seep out. Everyone in the family was excited about these lights as they not only illuminated an entire dark room greatly, but you could recharge them to some type of popular gaming device. In this same dream, there was some game that everyone on the planet was excited about; yet the game console one played it on was very large and had extensions on it to play it, but one could attach the cardboard boxes to it to recharge them.
And on top of it all, the classic rock singer, Cher, was the person who designed it. The entire world, in my dream, was enthralled by it. How bizarre.
As I went for my morning walk today, thinking about the dream, I kept thinking about the images of the mermaid before sleep; how potentially that image could tie to the singer Cher, and how artificial lights in cardboard rectangles, charged only through connection to a massive gaming console, could be related to everything in this world. Well, here is one highly Aberrant hypothesis regarding what my brain was interpreting from the Abyss...
- The cardboard box with the artificial light is us…makes sense, right? Cardboard is our fake meat bodies, and the artificial light is the Divine Spark that truly is artificial and alien in this reality we live in.
- To charge our Divine Spark when it diminishes, it needs to be reunited with some type of shared, and artificially enhanced human experience (ie a worldwide popular video game system) …once recharged it can be returned to illuminate dark areas for those who use it.
- The fact that Cher, of all people, somehow branded it and created it makes me think that she is some type of Sophia archetype in this dream.
- Finally, the fact that I was looking at the old image of the mermaid or siren prior to sleep…is my brain attempting to tell me that it wants to link Sophia with the two-tailed mermaid symbol?
So with that all said, is the Starbucks logo, in all honesty, another image of the form of Sophia? Is Starbucks truly using Sophia, the Gnostic symbol of the fall from the Godhead, and the ensuing chaos that ensued in the form of materialism and this reality?
Going back to Cher…she is known as the “Goddess of Pop,” and as the wiki states, embodies the “female autonomy in a male-dominated industry.” Curious…I’m not even a Cher fan, so that is odd why my brain wanted to correlate Cher in the dream in some way shape and form, abstractly, to the siren of Starbucks. Sophia of course is a “feminine figure,” the syzygy, and one of the feminine aspects of God per the Gnostics (that is a HIGHLY short version!)
Also, oddly enough, when I Google the Google machine in respect to Cher and mermaids, there is a song called “Sirens” written and sung by a Cher Lloyd.
I’ll be the first to admit maybe I heard that song of late and it was stuck deep down in my head somewhere (I don’t actively recall the song.) As for the Cher lights…I have no idea how it got there other than perhaps random noise in my head (there’s a lot of that). Yet it all seemed to be triggered at some level by this image:
This is all highly speculative, of course! There is this romantic notion I have that my dreams are somehow tied to the origin and fabric of time and space. When tapped into this fabric, my brain somehow uses random symbols to communicate a message to me. As I said, I'm a romantic...and a dreamer.
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