Dreaming About Cher Lights
Ok, time for a change of pace for the Aberrant Gnostic. This one is going back into dreamland… and what a dream possibly means in terms of my subconscious processing various bits of information and attempting to create some type of dream-like symbol that is ultimately some type of output connected to whatever… the abyss, the source, the godhead, the zero, the collective unconsciousness, whatever… With that said, what does the potential occult origin of the Starbucks logo have to do with Cher lights. And what is a Cher light anyway? And how is a Cher Light potentially related to Gnosticism? Let’s start at the beginning. This all manifested on 11-27-2023. Things of interest, celestially. The Moon was full last night. Last night’s full Moon is known as the Beaver Moon or Frost Moon and shines near the stars of Aries and Taurus. OK, that is something worth tracking moving forward. The basis of yesterday began with ...