What is an Aberrant Gnostic All About?

Good question.  I don't know! 

I guess one of the things that I've thought about for the past year or so is getting back into blogging.  I could go the route of the Khatib stuff again, but let's face it; that was a dead end and decent clickbait for others looking to make a buck (or two).  Happy to have obliged, but that's not something I want to do any longer.

I don't need to go down that route, and I'd rather spend more time writing about stuff I'm actually interested in learning.  You know, the stuff that deep down you feel that you can potentially grasp and apply to one's own worldview.  Maybe it will make me a better person, too, while I'm at it.

So this isn't going to be a blog that says, "Hey, look at me everyone, I'm really smart.  And I'm smarter than you.  And now I'm going to tell you exactly how it is.  Because I like to hear myself talk (and I know I'm really smarter than you)"  There are plenty of those folks out there, so no, that isn't me at all.  Plus, you don't need another one of those on the web.  

Instead, this will be a journal or working inventory, wherein I explore things of a Gnostic nature that I find interesting.  Is the end all of everything?  Absolutely not.  Yet the more I've learned about "whatever Gnosticism" is, the more questions I seem to have.  So why not document the adventure and learning experience?


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